Yuri Vanetik in the Press

Published Articles by Yuri Vanetik

Philanthropy Investing (OC Register)

Countless hours are spent every day by investors examining trends, analyzing the market and trying to determine what stocks to buy, which to sell and which are most likely to give the best returns if held for the long term. You invest with the hope that you’ll have an impact on your wallet. Picking the next Apple, Microsoft or Facebook could mean paying off your kids’ college tuitions and that beach house in Malibu. Understandably, there is risk involved. The more money you’re putting into the stock market, the more money you stand to lose if you don’t play your cards right...

Yuri Vanetik, Managing Director of Dominion Partners (IdeaMensch)

Yuri Vanetik is an entrepreneur, financier, political coalition builder and Managing Director of Dominion Partners. The Newport Beach, California based real estate investment firm prioritizes the emergence of technology-driven opportunities, investing in undervalued real estate locations throughout the United States... 

To Prevent Takeover from Big Alcohol, First Grasp Marijuana Market (OC Register)

Few policies have gained more recent momentum than “regulating marijuana like alcohol.” From Oregon to Massachusetts, marijuana legalization initiatives across the nation have successfully seized this mantle both in name and substance. Here in California, the sponsors of the recent Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act – as well as Proposition 64 – have also publicly admitted their reliance on the alcohol model...

Gary Johnson Might Be the Qualified to be President (OC Register)

Three words were all it took for Gary Johnson, the Libertarian nominee for president, to finally get his due coverage from the mainstream media. Three words, spoken on a morning talk show helped to awaken the members of nationally syndicated newspapers everywhere from their decades-long third-party hibernation, ears perked up like a bloodhound having just caught wind of a rabbit rustling in the bushes some 300 yards away...

To win black voters, Trump must fight despair with a job plan (OC Register)

Donald Trump’s effort to woo black voters has gotten off to a rocky start. The GOP nominee’s main argument – that black communities have been poorly served by Democratic leaders – is certainly powerful. But, as recent polls have shown, this strategy has yet to move the needle with African Americans...

The Importance of Allowing Third Party Access to Upcoming Debates (OC Register)

Spattered throughout the bowels of Twitter, people are, as always, embroiled in a heated argument. Unlike much of the back-and-forth on social media, however, the weight of the presidential race is becoming a serious concern...
For America's presidential contenders, it's open season on free trade. GOP nominee Donald Trump has repeatedly blasted "globalism" and trade policies he says move "our jobs, our wealth and our factories to Mexico and overseas."

 It's Time to Give Philanthropists the Protection They Deserve (Huffington Post)

Those who donated to the Hurricane Sandy Relief Foundation (HSRF) in the aftermath of last fall’s storm were acting on a uniquely American impulse — being charitable. Sadly, these generous first-responders to charity were misled by criminals. 

Police Brutality Often Results From Training Problems (OC Register)

On Jan. 28, in Inkster, Mich., Floyd Dent, who was unarmed, was pulled from his car and beaten about the head by police officer William Melendez and was tasered by other officers. Dent was hospitalized.

It's Not Just Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders–The Whole World is Turning on its Elites     (The Daily Beast)

By now, it’s undeniable: America’s frustration with political elites is upending party loyalty. And now, this phenomenon is taking on global proportions.According to a recent poll, nearly half of Bernie Sanders’s supporters will not vote for Hillary Clinton, while 22 percent are backing Donald Trump. “I’m a registered Democrat,” one respondent explained, “but I cannot bring myself to vote for another establishment politician like Hillary.”

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